About Jimmy Sandberg

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So far Jimmy Sandberg has created 25 blog entries.
10 2019 - 09

Used sales with a sense of quality

By |2021-05-05T18:33:29+02:00September 10th, 2019|Used Equipment|Comments Off on Used sales with a sense of quality

When you're buying used equipment you still want it to be in good shape, right? For you to be sure, all our equipment is always tested, cleaned and maintained in between hires. When our regular equipment has been out on different hires for some time, we often choose to sell it to replace with [...]

13 2019 - 08

The SkyPanel S60-C from ARRI has arrived

By |2021-05-05T18:25:09+02:00August 13th, 2019|Announcements, New Equipment In Stock, News|Comments Off on The SkyPanel S60-C from ARRI has arrived

Woodlite makes 120 pieces of full color LED soft light SkyPanel S60-C available for hire. To rent from us means that the equipment is always tested, maintained and delivered where you want it to. The SkyPanel is a new product for us and it will broaden our rental stock, giving you as a customer [...]

25 2019 - 06

Fem frågor till Mats Karlsson

By |2021-05-05T18:38:28+02:00June 25th, 2019|Company, In Swedish, People|Comments Off on Fem frågor till Mats Karlsson

Mats Karlsson stötte på Woodlite i teaterkretsar lite då och då, innan han till slut tog steget och började jobba hos oss. Han spenderar sina dagar med servicegänget, där han bland annat uppskattar att få vara först med att se nya produkter som kommer hem. Hur skulle du beskriva dig själv med några få [...]

13 2019 - 06

Spot the new in

By |2023-09-19T13:30:59+02:00June 13th, 2019|Announcements, New Equipment In Stock, News|Comments Off on Spot the new in

Followspotting made easy; rent and be ready. We´re expanding our range of follow spots with the BMFL FollowSpot LT from Robe Lighting. Recently arriving at our warehouse, all the 16 brand new fixtures have been checked by our service department and are available for hire. Everything is set for you to have a safe [...]

29 2019 - 04

Fem frågor till Louise Pelli

By |2023-09-19T13:32:31+02:00April 29th, 2019|In Swedish, People, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Fem frågor till Louise Pelli

Louise Pelli leder vårt servicegäng och har varit här på Woodlite i 9 år, något som började med att hon ”bara” skulle hjälpa en kompis. Hon gillar att utveckla rutiner och vara med och forma hur vi arbetar. Hur skulle du beskriva dig själv med några få meningar? – Fokuserad, noggrann och lösningsorienterad. Hur [...]

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